The Strange Tones



Hey everybody, just a quick news flash from the volcano hideout. Exciting times in the land of Crime-A-Billy! We are wrapping up our latest CD and planning on an early fall release. As a band we take care of all the song writing, recording, engineering, graphics, promotion, and pretty much everything else all by ourselves – it’s as home made as it can be, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. The project is very bluesy and also true to our Crime-A-Billy mission to bring original sounds to life. So stay tuned for details on the upcoming release!


While we are secreted away in an undisclosed secure location working on the recording, we won’t be playing local clubs very much, but we do have a very special show this month. On Saturday June 1st, we’ll be playing on a float for Portland’s famous Starlight Parade. The Strange Tones and our loyal and trusty partners, The Volcano Vixens will be performing on the Waterfront Blues Festival float. We’re honored to represent such a great event and are very excited about it. If you don’t want to brave the crowds, the Starlight Parade will be broadcast live on FOX 12 T.V. , for those who want to enjoy it from T.V. Land. So for now, call us on the red phone if you need us. Until then… over and out.


The Strange Tones