Have you ever thought about getting more involved? Well now is the time!!  You can choose to be a part of the CBA Board or a volunteer – whatever you choose – we welcome (and need) your help.

We have open At-Large Board positions available for those who would like to get in behind the scenes and make our events happen.  Just think – you can take part in shaping and influencing this great organization.  You can help us keep it running on a monthly basis. We really do rely on you – our members – to continue to make the CBA better and better.

Yes, it’s fun and games – because if it isn’t fun – why do it!  But don’t be fooled – we do work! Board members attend the monthly board meetings where we discuss budget, membership, merchandise, sponsorships and events.  We do ask that each board member take a turn at the merchandise booth at our monthly membership meetings at least once a year and help out at various events – but actually – that’s the fun part!

Do you have a special skill or talent – like managing databases or financial statements?  Running the CBA takes skill (we are a non-profit business) sometimes above and beyond just loving the promotion of blues.  We have a need for help in a variety of areas and I bet there’s something here for you!!  Officer positions naturally take more time – when considering running for either the Membership Secretary or Treasurer positions, we require that you have sufficient background to fill the needs of the Cascade Blues Association. The Membership Secretary maintains the membership information, renewals and address changes that require the ability to keep up an ever-changing spread-sheet and a knowledge of mailing is also preferred. The Treasurer must be able to balance the CBA’s bank accounts, pay due bills on time and keep funds at the Post Office readily available for BluesNotes mailings. The Treasurer is also responsible for maintaining all business filings for annual taxes. These are the two positions that require the most knowledge to keep up, so consider the expectations if you select to run for these officer spots.

Do you just want to be a volunteer with no board commitment – well guess what – we have things you can do! Some options are maintaining merchandise, working with a volunteer list, BluesNotes distribution, writing for the BluesNotes. These functions do not have to be handled by board members. If this interests you please let someone on the current board know!

Every year we put out a request for members to get involved. This year is no different other than we really REALLY do need your help.  Please consider this great opportunity and if your schedule and interests allow – then come join us!  Get involved.

You are welcome to attend one of our monthly Board meetings at 2020 SE 7th (about four blocks south of the old Duff’s Garage), the third Tuesday following the monthly General Membership Meeting.

By Wendy Schumer

My annual trek to SoCal this year for Doheny Blues Festival (May 18-19) was accompanied by an extension of the journey to include Simi Valley Cajun and Blues Festival (May 25-26). I made a commitment to write up something for the BluesNotes about each of these festivals so here goes:


Doheny Blues Fest (http://www.dohenybluesfestival.com) carries a pretty hefty price tag –(VIP ~$200 for early bird) and what does one get? Well for starters the Read more